getch() and getche() in MSC 4.0

Gordon Smith gsmith at
Mon Oct 24 11:56:30 AEST 1988

In article <10508 at dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU> jalphin at writes:
>	[This article was written by Scott Horne, not Yaping Xu.
>Has anyone else had trouble with getch() and getche() in Microsoft C v. 4.0?
>They often skip every other keypress on me--and in one case, they skip two
>keypresses out of three!  Maybe it's my code.  This occurs mainly when I try
>	c = toupper(getch());

    The reason your program is not working correctly, is because of
the toupper, not the getch.  toupper() is implemented as a macro, not a 
function.  Therefore the code MAY look similiar to this:
	c = isalpha(getch()) && isupper(getch()) ? getch() : getch()-'a'+'A';

Therefore executing getch() more than once.  This may not be the exact
macro description for toupper, but it does illustrate the point.

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