Curses window programming

Don Servey servey at OSI3.ICST.NBS.GOV
Tue Oct 18 02:59:08 AEST 1988

To whomever sent me the information on the book called Programming with Curses
could you please send me your name and email address again.  We have been 
having problems with mail messages mysteriously disappearing, and I didn't
get a chance to save the information.  To the rest of those who have answered
in response to my curses information quest, please continue to send info.  
Thanks to all of you, I may finish this project.  Thank you very much.

| Donald Servey                              <servey at>|
| National Institute of                      Phone: (301) 975-3654     |
|    Standards and Technology                                          |
| B213 Technology Building                                             |
| Gaithersburg, MD 20899                                               |

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