Varargs implementation (was Re: Addresses of parameters)

Bob Larson blarson at
Thu Oct 27 16:34:27 AEST 1988

In article <23385 at amdcad.AMD.COM> tim at (Tim Olson) writes:
>How do you suppose varargs functions are implemented?  

In whatever machine/os/compiler specific way that is handy.

>They must take
>the address of the first parameter to "step through" the parameter list.

"must"?  I've written a couple of varargs implementations, and banged on
another.  I don't seem to recall any such requirement in the varargs specs,
and in fact that is not how I did it on the one I wrote for a system that
does pass the first two (with exceptions) arguments in registers.  Maybe
some do it that way, but that does not imply that that is the only way.

>Are you suggesting that varargs functions are not portable and should be

That was not my assertion, but note that ANSI decided vararg.h wasn't
portable enough so came up with stdarg.h.  (The compiler I mentioned
above would need internal support for stdarg.h while vararg.h can be added
as an afterthought.  Is this increased portability?)
Bob Larson	Arpa: Blarson at Ecla.Usc.Edu	blarson at
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