C Compiler Bug (yes, another one)

Knudsen knudsen at ihlpl.ATT.COM
Fri Oct 21 04:00:10 AEST 1988

In article <762 at mcrware.UUCP>, kim at mcrware.UUCP (Kim Kempf) writes:
> You might want to try compiling the program on Nuxi or run it through
> the "cb" to find the unbalanced braces you overlooked in the "very
> long main() function" that preceeds this.  Or, mail me the source
> file and I'll point out the problem for you.  Since moving the function
> elsewhere changes the problem, this is the likely problem.

Sorry, a missing '}' was my first suspicion, and I checked it against
my own braces checker.  And since there were more little function
bodies below the two discussed, swapping the top two would have
just grieved one of them, at least at link time.
Also a {} screwup usually breaks the syntax analyzer into spewing
gobs of error messages, which didn't happen here.
So I still think I just overloaded a table or stack somewhere.

BTW, I moved the functions into another file (after it worked).

> We understand the confusion and frustration one suffers when confronted
> with problems of this sort...apologies are gladly accepted :-)
Well, your error messages are better than some big-time OS's compiler's
I could name.  Overall I think your C is fine.

But we 6809ers really do have an ongoing problem in that the 6809
C compiler is not being maintained, all of Microware's energy
is going into 68K stuff.  I know we can't expect Amtrak and Conrail
to restore steam locomotives, but some of us are working very hard
to develop some damned good applications under OS9-Level 2.
Since you have the only C game in our town, we have to gripe
once in a while.
Mike Knudsen  Bell Labs(AT&T)   att!ihlpl!knudsen
"Lawyers are like handguns and nuclear bombs.  Nobody likes them,
but the other guy's got one, so I better get one too."

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