Just Wondering

Rob Carriere rob at raksha.eng.ohio-state.edu
Sun Apr 23 11:44:40 AEST 1989

In article <12481 at lanl.gov> jlg at lanl.gov (Jim Giles) writes:
>From article <17037 at mimsy.UUCP>, by chris at mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek):
>> BecAUSe peopLE arE CaSE senSITive, as YOU CAn noW see.
>Ah, but do you intend to imply that "BecAUSe peopLE arE CaSE senSITive,
>as YOU CAn noW see" has a different _MEANING_ from "Because people are
>case sensitive, as you can now see?"  The fact is that most people are
>_NOT_ case sensitive with respect to the _MEANINGS_ of the words.  So,
>computer languages probably shouldn't let case effect the meaning either.

Can I give you an arbitrary math text (linear analysis will do just
fine) with all the formulas lowercased and then watch and cackle
hideously while you try to parse it?  Same deal for just about any
physics/engineering/etc text.  I *like* it that my float **A and 
float *a are two different objects (and no, neither I nor anybody else
who knows enough to make sense of the algorithm is in the slightest
danger of confusion here -- it's all a matter of what you've been
trained to cue on).

And from the other side of the bistable multivibrator, since there are
people who like this idea, since people who don't can just not use it,
and since C has a spirit of live and let live, why should it not be
case sensitive?  Is it hurting you?


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