
Stuart Gathman stuart at bms-at.UUCP
Sat Apr 15 01:18:34 AEST 1989

In article <28558 at apple.Apple.COM>, austing at Apple.COM (Glenn L. Austin) writes:

> interface (on the PC, does "FORMAT" get my document ready for printing?).
> Oh, by the way, the last parenthesizes statement is common among secretaries

My brother was supporting MACs.  He stepped out of the room for a minute,
and when he got back there was a problem.  The screen had said, "Insert
another diskette" in one of those fancy dialog boxes.  So she did.  Without
first removing the floppy already in the drive.  This was the end of the
floppy drive.

Moral: Some background knowledge is required to operate any program.
A truly user friendly system would prevent such a problem, but I submit
that this is a very difficult problem for both hardware and software.  The
MAC still doesn't come close to solving it.

P.S.  Everyone I know, including myself, has spent at least 20 minutes trying
to figure out how to delete a file when playing with the MAC for the
first time.
Stuart D. Gathman	<stuart at bms-at.uucp>

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