Prototype for Functions pointers in Structures

Terry Franklin Byrum byrum at
Tue Apr 11 00:51:28 AEST 1989

Here is a question for all you pANS gurus.  How do you define a prototype
for a pointer to a function contained within a structure?

	e.g.	struct _fns{
			int foo;
			int (*fnsptr)();

My guess is:

	int (*fns.fnsptr)(void);

but MSC 5.1 gags ...



Frank Byrum, BROOKS Financial Systems, Suffolk VA, (804)539-7202  1st Law of SE
INET:byrum at UUCP:..!sun!xanth!{byrum,brooks!frank}  Semper Sic Factum

	Inventions have long since reached their limit --
	and I see no hope for further developments.
		- Julius Frontinus, world famous engineer, Rome, 10 AD

   First Law of Software Eng:   |  Terry Franklin (Frank) Byrum
      Semper Sic Factum         |  BROOKS Financial Systems, Inc.
   ___                          |  INET:  byrum at
  /__  _.  __. _ _  /_          |  UUCP:  ...!sun!xanth!brooks!frank 
 /   _/ \_(_/|_|\|_/ \          |  DISCLAIMER: No one listens anyway! 

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