Just Wondering

Jim Giles jlg at lanl.gov
Sat Apr 22 14:04:22 AEST 1989

>From article <2617 at buengc.BU.EDU>, by bph at buengc.BU.EDU (Blair P. Houghton):
> In article <13159 at dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU> jskuskin at eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Jeffrey Kuskin) writes:
>>A "I was just wondering" question:
>>    Why is C case-sensitive?  I suppose it allows the
> [...]
> 2.  Huminz iz not cumpooterz.  We like it that way, and we make the
> silly microchips do what WE ask.  [...]                           

But, I _don't_ like it that way.  Ask any literate human whether "Tree"
means something different than "tree" and you'll find out that most humans
aren't case sensitive most of the time.

> 5. BeCaUsE.

Most people would find this just plain annoying.

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