Microsoft C 5.1 - bug

Lew Stelmach lew at dgbt.uucp
Tue Apr 11 23:52:08 AEST 1989

The following program compiles successfully on Microsoft C5.1,
Microsoft Quick C 2.0, TurboC, DEC VAX Ultrix C, Sun Unix C, and other
compilers.  However, it does not run correctly when compiled using
Microsoft C5.1. Note that it runs correctly on Microsoft Quick C 2.0.

The program allocates a ring of pointers. The  correct form of the
output is shown below the program listing.  The actual values will
differ from machine to machine . The pattern is what matters.  The
critical feature to look for is that the right-most column of addresses
(pointer values) should increase if the program runs correctly.  In
MSC5.1 these numbers stay constant.  I compiled with the medium memory
(cl -AM).


#include <stdio.h>

struct Block{
	struct Block *fwp;

main ()
	struct Block *at,*aa;
	char *c;
	int i;

		aa=(struct Block *)malloc(sizeof(struct Block));
		else {
printf("at=%d aa=%d at->fwp=%d aa->fwp=%d\n",

/* --------------------------------------------------*/

Sample output (correct version).
In the incorrect (MSC5.1) version the rightmost column would be 5124
all the way down.
at=5124 aa=5124 at->fwp=5124 aa->fwp=5124
at=5124 aa=5132 at->fwp=5132 aa->fwp=5124
at=5124 aa=5140 at->fwp=5140 aa->fwp=5132
at=5124 aa=5148 at->fwp=5148 aa->fwp=5140
at=5124 aa=5156 at->fwp=5156 aa->fwp=5148
at=5124 aa=5164 at->fwp=5164 aa->fwp=5156
at=5124 aa=5172 at->fwp=5172 aa->fwp=5164
at=5124 aa=5180 at->fwp=5180 aa->fwp=5172
at=5124 aa=5188 at->fwp=5188 aa->fwp=5180
at=5124 aa=5196 at->fwp=5196 aa->fwp=5188

Do you have an explanation or any comments? 

Lew Stelmach

Lew Stelmach, Ph.D.           Communications Research Centre
                              P.O. Box 11490, Station H 
(613) 998 2005                Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8S2, Canada

BITNET: lew at doccrc.bitnet 
Others: lew at        

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