When is a statement an expression?

Eric A. Raymond raymond at ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 27 17:58:15 AEST 1989

In article <1043 at itivax.iti.org> scs at vax3.iti.org (Steve Simmons) writes:

>	a = if ( a == 1 )
>		12 ;
>	else
>		14 ;

Sorry, but C is not LISP.  That is, compund (or complex) statements do
not return values.

You can accomplish this behavior via the ?: connstruct:

      a = (a ? 12 : 14);

Incidently, I beleive the comma operator allows you to approach a
progn (or is it prog1?):

      a = (x=1, y=2, z=3);	

A is 3 if the last expr is returned (progn-like), otherwise 1
(prog1-like).  Look it up.
Eric A. Raymond  (raymond at ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov)
G7 C7 G7 G#7 G7 G+13 C7 GM7 Am7 Bm7 Bd7 Am7 C7 Do13 G7 C7 G7 D+13: Elmore James

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