comma operator: keep away?

Lloyd Kremer kremer at
Tue Apr 25 02:00:55 AEST 1989

In article <19913 at> bobmon at (RAMontante)
>Is there a circumstance in which the comma operator is required, where
>the compound statement cannot be broken into multiple statements?

Perhaps not required, but convenient nevertheless.

I often use it for loop tests using functions that "get" information but
do not "return" the information they get.  For example:

	extern double frexp();
	double f[SIZE];
	int i, exp;

	while(frexp(f[i++], &exp), exp < 10)

Another example would be:

	char c;

	while(read( ..., &c, 1), c != '\n')

assuming EOF detection is not needed for this read() (horrible assumption,
I know).

					Lloyd Kremer
					Brooks Financial Systems
					Have terminal...will hack!

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