Vaguely related to case-sensitivity...

Jeff Erickson krazy at
Mon Apr 24 16:23:36 AEST 1989

>From article <8001 at pyr.gatech.EDU>, by isbell at pyr.gatech.EDU ( Charles L. Isbell):
> Hmmmmm, I think I prefer a language that doesn't force me to use a certain
> case (like Modula-2, that requires that all keywords be UPPER CASE, which I 
> find both irriating and unreadable).

Agreed!  What version of Mod2 are you using?  The one I learned made no
such requirement.  (In fact, I used to _penalize_ students for doing that
when I was a lab assistant in college.)

> That said, will C recognize while, WHILE, and While (as well as whIle) as 
> being the same thing?

No. It won't.
Jeff Erickson       Claris Corporation  | Birdie, birdie, in the sky,
408/987-7309      Applelink: Erickson4  |   Why'd you do that in my eye?
krazy at     ames!claris!krazy  | I won't fret, and I won't cry.
       "I'm a heppy, heppy ket!"        |   I'm just glad that cows don't fly.

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