Just Wondering

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Wed Apr 26 15:19:53 AEST 1989

In article <2027 at quanta.eng.ohio-state.edu> rob at raksha.eng.ohio-state.edu (Rob Carriere) writes:
>English != C


I don't know where the utterly fantastic notion that natural language
should serve as a guide for a programming language came from.  They
have different goals, different structure, different methods, and
different "clientele".  Almost the only thing they have in common is
the word "language", but the only common concept in these two usages
is, essentially, "mode of expression", which is way too general to
provide detailed guidance.

If people approach programming the same way that they approach essay
writing, no wonder they have problems.  But in that case it's not the
fault of the programming language.

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