case sensitivity

Dave Jones djones at megatest.UUCP
Fri Apr 28 09:32:46 AEST 1989

>From article <752 at, by enevill at (Edward Nevill):
) ... I do have a problem with people who write mixed case library
) functions for case sensitive languages, eg. Mac C systems.
) Turning to a random page in Inside Macintosh.
) Pg. I-474
) FUNCTION GetCursor(cursorID: INTEGER) : CursHandle;
) TYPE CursPtr    = ^Cursor;
)      CursHandle = ^CursPtr;
) CONST iBeamCursor = 1;
)       crossCursor = 2;
)       plusCursor  = 3;
)       watchCursor = 4;
) PROCEDURE ShieldCursor(shieldRect: Rect; offsetPt: Point);
) This is enough to drive anyone up the wall.


Yeah, but with some of us it's a longer drive than with others.

Anyway, we see another reason my "dream-language" will not distinguish
case or underscores in identifiers:  Spell it "iBeamCursor", or
"Ibeamcursor", or "I_beam_cursor", or whatever you please; it would mean
the same thing. No need to keep going back to the manuals to recall the
blessed capitalization.

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