Another silly question

Lloyd Kremer kremer at
Fri Apr 28 02:04:20 AEST 1989

In article <2459 at> kelly at (Sean Kelly) writes:

>My CS instructor and I disagree about a certain moot point.  I have a text
>book which says that
>	*(a + i)	and	a[i]
>are equivalent, given an array a, and int index i ... each gives the
>value stored in a[i].  But he says that
>	*(a + i)
>is non-standard and would not expect it do go far on all _real_ C compilers

The expressions *(a + i) and a[i] are absolutely synonymous in every way.
Either one could be defined as the other.  This fact is one of the foundational
pillars of the C Language.

Any C compiler that does not agree with this lacks knowledge of the most basic
fundamentals of the language and does not deserve to be called a C compiler.
I am tempted to make analogous remarks about C instructors.

An interesting corollary of this rule, often used in intentionally obfuscated
code, is:

	a[i]  ==  *(a + i)  ==  *(i + a)  ==  i[a]

Ask your instructor what he thinks 1["hello"] will evaluate to!

					Lloyd Kremer
					Brooks Financial Systems
					Have terminal...will hack!

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