Low Level I/O and ANSI C (open,close,read,write,lseek)

Kevin Burton burton at nicmad.UUCP
Fri Dec 1 09:12:48 AEST 1989

I was reading the book _Standard C_ by P.L. Plauger & Jim Brodie and came
across the statement, "Many earlier implementations offer an additional
set of input/output functions with names such as close, creat, lseek, open,
read, and write. You must replace calls to these functions with calls to
other functions defined in <stdio.h>".

I am new to USENET and am fairly new to ANSI C (though I have been 
programming in K&R C for quite some time) so please be patient if it seems
that I am just waking up. What are the reasons for removing the low level
I/O from the standard libraries? In the past we ALWAYS took a performance
hit when using the higher level stream I/O routines. For a system that
supports ANSI C will there be none of these type of routines (low-level) ?

I would appreciate any enlightenment that the USENET community could provide
on this subject. Thank you in advance.

          att!terminus-----\		           |
     harvard-\         att--\                      | Kevin Burton (608) 276-6166
        ucbvax!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!burton        | Nicolet Instrument Corp.
    rutgers--/       rolls--/                      | 5225-2 Verona Rd
      ames--/       decvax-/                       | Madison, WI 53711-0288 

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