"Standard C" by Plauger/Brodie (was Re: MSC __STDC__ strange value)

Martin Weitzel martin at mwtech.UUCP
Mon Dec 11 03:32:47 AEST 1989

In article <1311 at islay.tcom.stc.co.uk> tony at htc1.UUCP (Tony Oliver) writes:
[some lines deleted]
>I have a copy of the book "Standard C" by P. J. Plauger & Jim Brodie, 1989;
>(Microsoft Press, Programmer's Quick Reference Series, ISBN 1-55615-158-6).
[rest deleted]

Just received a copy myself. (For us in europe it seems to be easier
to get hands on this book, than on a copy of the standard document :-().
I'd recommend, that *everyone* would read the sections in this
book before posting questions in this newsgroup! This book is very
affordable (about $10), clarifies syntax using railroad track diagrams
rather than formal notation, contains more diagrams, tables and
examples where necessary and seems very authorative.

Martin Weitzel

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