A question of style

Triantaphyllos Byron Rakitzis tbrakitz at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Sat Dec 2 19:03:34 AEST 1989

>>while (c = getchar(), c != EOF)
>The code above could be written as 
>	while (c = getchar && c  != EOF) { 
Mark H. Colburn                       mark at Minnetech.MN.ORG
Open Systems Architects, Inc.

No!! What if getchar returns the null character? Then this test fails.
The usual C syntax for the above statement is

       while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)

              blah blah;


"C Code."
	  "C Code run."
			"Run, Code, run!"
Byron Rakitzis. (tbrakitz at phoenix.princeton.edu ---- tbrakitz at pucc.bitnet)

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