date function wanted

raymond r rankins rankins at
Sat Dec 16 09:02:30 AEST 1989

Does anyone know where I might find a C function that takes a date
string and converts it into integer values for each of its components?

What I need is something that will take a string like

            Fri Dec 15 16:54:26 EST 1989

and convert it into 

				12 15 89 16 54 26

Even something taht generated a string of integers that could be sscanf'd 
into a bunch of integer variables would be good.

It would be nice if it would accept the date string in a variety of 
formats also.

Just thought I'd ask before I set about trying to write my own.


Ray Rankins         |(518) 387-7340 (days)| INTERNET: rankins at
2 Moonglow Rd.      |(518) 583-3320 (eves)| COMPUSERVE: 71131,3236
Gansevoort, NY 12831|                     | AmericaOnline: RayRankins
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