LEX Question

Mark Nagel nagel at paris.ics.uci.edu
Sat Feb 25 04:26:14 AEST 1989

In article <416 at chem.ucsd.EDU>, tps at chem (Tom Stockfisch) writes:
|I must be missing something.  Looking at lex.yy.c on my machine shows that
|input() is defined as
|# define input() (((yytchar=yysptr>yysbuf?U(*--yysptr):getc(yyin))==10? \
|	(yylineno++,yytchar):yytchar)==EOF?0:yytchar)
|so if I re-#define input(), don't I have to use yytchar,yysptr, and yysbuf?
|I would assume one of these would be more likely to change than yyin.

If you redefine input() in lex, you'd most likely redefine it in such
a way that you'd manage the input entirely yourself.  So you would have
no need for lex's internal input management.

Mark Nagel @ UC Irvine, Dept of Info and Comp Sci
ARPA: nagel at ics.uci.edu              | Charisma doesn't have jelly in the
UUCP: {sdcsvax,ucbvax}!ucivax!nagel  | middle. -- Jim Ignatowski

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