Undocumented option in Xenix C

Tony Field tony at ajfcal.UUCP
Wed Feb 1 19:07:17 AEST 1989

SCO does not bother to document many useful cc options. The Xenix C
(development system 2.2) option set is "largely" Microsoft C version 4/5
compatible. Amongst the more useful of the undocumented are:

-J	All char's are to be treated as "unsigned char"
	(This is handy when porting much public domain stuff, like TeX).
-Zg	Generate function prototypes.  The generated prototypes
	are Msdos Microsoft C version 4 compatible (not STD C
	or MSC V5 compatible).

	To generate the prototypes, I use the following shell script:
		echo "/* -----  $1  ------- */" >>proto.h
		cc -Zg -DXENIX $1 >>proto.h

	which allows me to concatenate prototypes from a series of
	routines into a single header file.		
|  Tony Field                               ..alberta!calgary!ajfcal!tony
|  Co-Design Information Systems Ltd.
|  Calgary, Alberta, Canada                   voice: (403) 266-3239

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