Linting a routine using varargs (WidgetSet())

Marc Ries ries at arcturus
Tue Feb 28 02:39:49 AEST 1989

    Might also mention that (in pursuit of the truth 8-*) 
    I have tried the lint /*VARARGS*/ flag, both just 
    before the invocation of my call to WigetSet() as well
    as just before the routine that contains the WidgetSet call.
    Neither made a difference. Both my program,  
    and the actual PD WidgetSet() routines, see
    NULL defined as a zero.

    The calls to WidgetSet() are setup along these lines:

    static Widget
       Widget parent;
       Arg   al[25];
       int   ac = 0;
       Widget ...;
       XtSetArg(al[ac], ....);
       (Widget) mytextwidget = DwtSTextCreate(parent, "mylabel", al, ac);
	         DwtNfocusCallback,      my_callback,
	         DwtNadbTopAttachment,   DwtAttachOppWidget,
	         DwtNadbTopWidget,       abovewidget,
	         DwtNadbLeftAttachment,  DwtAttachWidget,
	         DwtNadbLeftWidget,      abovewidget,
	         DwtNadbRightAttachment, DwtAttachAdb, 

Marc Ries
TRW Defense Systems Group/HMI
UUCP: ...!spp2!ries at trwspp.UUCP

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