Microsoft C 5.1 question

David McIntyre mcintyre at
Sat Jan 14 09:42:14 AEST 1989

I am having a little trouble with C, and am hoping that someone has
already conquered this problem:

	I am using _dos_findfirst and _dos_findnext to get information
about directory entries.

	The time and date stamps on the file are returned
as unsigneds (wr_time and wr_date).  

	I would like to extract the information about date and time
from these unsigneds, but the time and date conversion functions
do not seem to take similar values.

	Could someone give me 2 or 3 sample lines of code showing
how to print these unsigned dates and times as xx:xx:xx and xx/xx/xxxx


Dave "mr question" McIntyre     |      "....say you're thinking about a plate
mcintyre at      |       of shrimp.....and someone says to 
office : 518-276-8633		|	you `plate,' or `shrimp'......"
home   : 518-271-6664		|

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