lint available for pc?

Christopher Lott cml at
Sat Jul 1 05:12:29 AEST 1989


I would *love* to use lint on code written on a pc (microsoft c 5.1).  It's
mostly in classic k&r style, so an old-style lint would probably be just 
great.  I especially want to be warned about test before assignment, unused
vars, etc.

Can anyone point me to a purchasable product or a free offering? 
(Maybe the source to BSD4.3 lint :-) :-) :-) ???)  I don't suppose
the GNU project has written lint yet, right?

Thanks for any and all help.  Please email.  I'll summarize and repost.

cml at        Computer Science Dept, OSU          614-292-1826
 or:  ...!{att,pyramid,killer}!osu-cis!cml		<standard disclaimers>

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