Expert systems (Re: What's a C expert?)

Peter da Silva peter at
Mon Jun 19 01:13:00 AEST 1989

A jewel falls out of the net:

In article <2014 at dataio.Data-IO.COM> bright at Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright)
differentiates between knowledge and wisdom. Subsequently...

In article <CLINE.89Jun16170813 at>, cline at (Marshall Cline) writes:

> Consider a large database containing all the valid
> `C' constructs and idioms.  It might be argued that the database contains
> lots of `knowledge', but it (the database) clearly is NOT an `expert'.

But, in fact, there are a lot of such databases out there that are referred
to by that very name... "expert systems".

> Thus the original poster asked the wrong question.  It's not what you
> need to know, since NO volume of knowledge can make one an expert.

Yes. I think most expert systems should be referred to as "that-guy-in-the-
corner-who-everyone-hates-but-can-answer-the-weirdest-questions systems". Or
more succinctly "nerd systems".

> [But this discussion probably belongs in "comp.lang.c.philosophy" :-)]

I don't know. What groups would be appropriate? But that's an inet
group :-<.
Peter da Silva, Xenix Support, Ferranti International Controls Corporation.

Business:!ficc!peter, peter at, +1 713 274 5180.
Personal: ...!texbell!sugar!peter, peter at

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