Wanted: ratfor to c tranlator

Steve Fullerton scf at statware.UUCP
Sat Jun 24 01:27:00 AEST 1989

In article <2465 at rayssdb.ray.com> jxc at rayssdb.RAY.COM (Jeffrey J. Clesius) writes:
>We have a need for a 'ratfor' to 'c' translator for a software
>development project.  If anyone has any information about a
>public domain or commercial tool that performs this function,
>it would be greatly appreciated.

Cobalt Blue of San Jose, CA has a ratfor to C translator called rtc+.  I
have used it for a great deal of code and it does a pretty good job.  It
only runs under DOS though.  They also have Fortran to C and Fortran to C++
translators.  I am using the Fortran to C product (FOR_C) under XENIX and
like it a lot.  Their phone number is 408/723-0474.

Steve Fullerton                        Statware, Inc.
scf%statware.uucp at cs.orst.edu          260 SW Madison Ave, Suite 109
orstcs!statware!scf                    Corvallis, OR  97333

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