Want a way to strip comments from a

Per-Erik Martin pem at zyx.SE
Fri Mar 24 02:25:38 AEST 1989

In article <9833 at megaron.arizona.edu> rupley at arizona.edu (John Rupley) writes:
>This one fails, too.  Try:
>	/***/ hi there /**/
Oops! Well, if you change the '*'-case in 'in_comment:' to this:

   do {
     if ((c = (char)getchar()) == '/')
       goto into_code;
   } while (c == '*');

it should work better. (Funny no one found the other bug yet... What do
you expect after 15 minutes? ;-)

>Goes to show, for a quick and clean coding of a pattern-matching
>automaton, think Lex.  The Lex source that was posted is so simple it
>would be hard to get the logic wrong.  Two out of two C postings suggest
>that it may be easier to err in coding the same automaton in C.
>Not to imply that C has no advantages -- following comparison is for
>size of source and for time of uncommenting main.c of an emacs distribution:

Another advantage with C is that it's portable outside the Unix universe...

- Per-Erik Martin, ZYX Sweden AB, Bangardsgatan 13, S-753 20  Uppsala, Sweden -
- Email: pem at zyx.SE                                                           -

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