C Programming Estimates

Joe English jeenglis at nunki.usc.edu
Mon Mar 6 11:58:22 AEST 1989

larry at zeek.UUCP (Larry Podmolik) writes:
>Anyway, I'm asking again for information on the following subjects:
>1.  C programming estimates for programmers of various levels  working
>on programs  of  varying  complexity.  I would  prefer  something like
>lines of code/day or time to  complete an (easy, medium,  hard) module
>of x  length.  Also, how  long do  you think people need to be trained
>before they are productive?

I suggest that you read _The Mythical Man-Month_ by
Fred Brooks.  If you're asking about lines of code,
I would guess that you're looking for the wrong sort
of information entirely.

>2.  C programming  guidelines/standards, EXCLUDING  formatting issues,
>but   definitely  including  organization,   modularity,  portability,
>questionable practices to avoid, etc.

Check out _C Traps and Pitfalls_ (by Andrew Koenig?? I forget).
There are no universally applicable programming standards,
the important thing is just to *have* some in your shop.
For organization and modularity, I found the Yourdon Press
series on structured design to be somewhat helpful, although
the Yourdon methodology doesn't fit well in some cases with
object-oriented design (which you should also look into.  Sorry,
I don't know of any good references on O-O.)

>Thanks in advance, Larry

--Joe English

  jeenglis at nunki.usc.edu

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