Best book on C?

Andrew Kostiuk andrew at qcc-hal.UUCP
Fri Mar 31 02:18:53 AEST 1989

Hi, what book (or set of books) would people rate as being the best
about C?  I am looking for a book(s) which will allow beginner C
programmers learn the language as well as experienced C programmers to
find the references they need (e.g., usual C library calls).

Please provide title and ISBN number (if known).  Thank you in advance.

| +--------------+    Andrew R. Kostiuk      #4 - 2345 Avenue C North |
| |   Q  C  C    |    M.Sc., P.Eng.          Saskatoon, SK.           |
| |COMMUNICATIONS|    Systems Engineer       CANADA     S7L 5Z5       |
| | CORPORATION  |    Tel.: (306)665-6488    Fax.: (306)665-9936      |
| +--------------+    uucp: alberta!dvinci!qcc-hal!andrew             |

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