programming challenge (silly)

Rick Schubert rns at
Tue Mar 21 06:06:04 AEST 1989

In article <LIMES.89Mar15203439 at> limes at (Greg Limes) writes:
>In article <4412 at> crossgl at (Gordon Cross) writes:

>   The example above fails to yield the correct answer if invoked
>   with arguments on the command line whereas the original program did...

>Perhaps it is time to ask, since c415-23 at alberta did not specify.
>	*** Can we assume no parameters? ***

Please note that the first argument to `main' may have the value 0 !
(That's the integer 0, not 0 factorial).

A value of 0 indicates that the program name is not available.  This
is allowed by the soon-to-be ANSI Standard.

-- Rick Schubert (rns at se-sd.sandiego.NCR.COM)

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