gcc bug (possibly)

RAMontante bobmon at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
Sat Mar 4 08:06:54 AEST 1989

budd at mist.cs.orst.edu (Tim Budd) <9201 at orstcs.CS.ORST.EDU> :
-extern int foo ( short );
-int foo(x)
-short x;
-{ ; }
-I get a message that the argument doesn't match the prototype.
-Works fine if I use int in place of short.

Although you've given a prototype for foo(), the function definition doesn't
match it --

	int foo(x)

is an old-style definition.  Your error message is complaining (indirectly)
that this line is incorrect, as it doesn't match the prototype.  Try

	int foo(short x)
	{ ; }

instead.  This works for me.  I don't think you need the extern keyword

Those who do not understand MSDOS are  | Bob Montante (bobmon at cs.indiana.edu)
condemned to write glowingly of it in  | Computer Science Department
slick, short-lived magazines.          | Indiana University, Bloomington IN

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