rules for transforming casts to declarations?

Steve Vegdahl stevev at tekchips.LABS.TEK.COM
Wed Mar 15 05:38:12 AEST 1989

I am working on a preprocessor that needs to---among other things---transform
between "cast-style" types and "declaration-style" types.  For example,
the user's input might contain the string:
  (int (*)())
The preprocessor would need to tranform this into the declaration:
  int (*foo)();

I am treating this problem as a transformation from a list of tokens to
a list of tokens.  (We can assume that the original list is a well-formed
cast expression.)

Not being an expert on C type-declarations, I would appreciate opinions as
to whether this method handles all cases and, if not, some examples
cast-expressions on which it will fail.

		Steve Vegdahl
		Computer Research Lab
		Tektronix Labs
		Beaverton, Oregon


Alleged algorithm for transforming cast-style type into a declaration.

  1. strip away the outer parentheses of the cast expression
  2. find the position to insert the to-be-declared identifier
      a. skip over all identifiers, left parentheses, and asterisks (i.e.,
         go until you hit a right parenthesis, left bracket or end of string)
      b. if the token that "stopped us" was a right parentheses, and the
         previous tokens a left parentheses, back up on
  3. insert the identifer in the current position
  4. add a semicolon to the end

Example #1: declare "foo" as a "(float *)":
  after step 1: "float *"
  after step 2: "float * "
			^current position
  after step 3: "float * foo"
  after step 4: "float * foo;"

Example #2: declare "foo" as an "(unsigned float **[]())"
  after step 1: "unsigned float **[]()"
  after step 2: "unsigned float ** []()"
				  ^current position
  after step 3: "unsigned float ** foo []()"
  after step 4: "unsigned float ** foo []();"

Example #3: declare "foo" as an "(int (*)())"
  after step 1: "int (*)()"
  after step 2: "int (* )()"
		       ^current position
  after step 3: "int (*foo)()"
  after step 4: "int (*foo)();"

(Is the algorithm for going the other direction simply that of removing the
declared name and the semicolon and surrounding the entire thing with

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