A C program for a Calendar in LaTeX.

Kenneth A. Ribet ribet at maalox.berkeley.edu
Wed Nov 29 11:29:09 AEST 1989

In article <12898 at polya.Stanford.EDU> ertem at polya.Stanford.EDU (Tuna Ertemalp) writes:
>The output of lxcal contains the following lines:
>\newfont{\hb}{h-bol at 12pt}
>\newfont{\tbieight}{t-bolita at 8pt}
>\newfont{\tb}{t-bol at 12pt}
>\newfont{\trsix}{t-rom at 6pt}

>Does someone (author?) know what these fonts are
>called normally?

These are resident postscript fonts in a LaserWriter.  Here is the
list of them (taken from a file called TeXPSfonts.map on this machine):

t-bol		Times-Bold
t-bolita	Times-BoldItalic
t-ita		Times-Italic
t-rom		Times-Roman
t-romsc		Times-SmallCaps		"/Times-Roman SmallCapsFont"
t-obl		Times-Oblique		"/Times-Roman 15.5 ObliqueFont"
t-bolobl	Times-BoldOblique	"/Times-Bold 15 ObliqueFont"
t-itaun		Times-ItalicUnslanted	"/Times-Bold -15.15 ObliqueFont"
t-mathitaTimes-MathItalic	"/Times-Italic /SymbolObl /Symbol 15.15 MathOblique"
ag-book		AvantGarde-Book
ag-bookobl	AvantGarde-BookOblique
ag-demi		AvantGarde-Demi
ag-demiobl	AvantGarde-DemiOblique
ag-booksc	AvantGarde-SmallCaps	"/AvantGarde-Book SmallCapsFont"
b-demi		Bookman-Demi
b-demiita	Bookman-DemiItalic
b-lig		Bookman-Light
b-ligita	Bookman-LightItalic
b-ligsc		Bookman-SmallCaps	"/Bookman-Light SmallCapsFont"
ncs-bol		NewCenturySchlbk-Bold
ncs-bolita	NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic
ncs-ita		NewCenturySchlbk-Italic
ncs-rom		NewCenturySchlbk-Roman
ncs-romsc	NewCenturySchlbk-Roman	"/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman SmallCapsFont"
p-bol		Palatino-Bold
p-bolita	Palatino-BoldItalic
p-ita		Palatino-Italic
p-rom		Palatino-Roman
p-romsc		Palatino-SmallCaps	"/Palatino-Roman SmallCapsFont"
p-obl		Palatino-Oblique	"/Palatino-Roman 10 ObliqueFont"
p-bolobl	Palatino-BoldOblique	"/Palatino-Bold 10 ObliqueFont"
zc-medita	ZapfChancery-MediumItalic
zd		ZapfDingbats
c-bol		Courier-Bold
c-bolobl	Courier-BoldOblique
c-obl		Courier-Oblique
c-med		Courier
h-bol		Helvetica-Bold
h-bolobl	Helvetica-BoldOblique
h-obl		Helvetica-Oblique
h-med		Helvetica

>Have fun


>| Mr. Tuna Ertemalp        | Manzanita Park 26X      | Small things together |
>| Stanford University      | Stanford University     |   form the quality,   |
>| Computer Science MS      | Stanford, CA 94305, USA | But quality is not a  |
>| Ertem at Cs.Stanford.Edu    | (415) 328-8515          |     small thing!      |

Ken Ribet  Berkeley Math Dept.  ribet at math.berkeley.edu  ...ucbvax!math!ribet

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