A C program for a Calendar in LaTeX.

Tomas G. Rokicki rokicki at polya.Stanford.EDU
Wed Nov 29 12:42:39 AEST 1989

ertem at polya.Stanford.EDU (Tuna Ertemalp) writes:
> The output of lxcal contains the following lines:
> \newfont{\hb}{h-bol at 12pt}
> \newfont{\hbbig}{h-bol at 24pt}
> \newfont{\tbeight}{t-bol at 8pt}
> \newfont{\treight}{t-rom at 8pt}
> \newfont{\tbieight}{t-bolita at 8pt}
> \newfont{\tb}{t-bol at 12pt}
> \newfont{\trsix}{t-rom at 6pt}
> I don't think these font names are standard; they are not available at
> polya.stanford.edu. Does someone (author?) know what these fonts are
> called normally?

The font names above are unfortunate mistakes; the true font names are
probably (and respectively) Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Bold,
Times-Bold, Times-Roman, Times-BoldItalic, Times-Bold, and
Times-Roman.  There exist (shudder) machines that can't handle names
quite this long, so crude hacks are occasionally necessary . . .

If necessary, you can replace the fonts with Computer Modern TeX
fonts fairly easily; one might use (respectively):

cmssbx10 at 12pt, cmssbx10 at 24.883pt, cmbx8, cmr8, cmti8, cmbx12, cmr6

If your site can handle long file names, but the `real' PostScript names
don't work, complain to your site administrater.


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