HOW do I open a UN*X port

Tim Nelson tim at ncrcan.Toronto.NCR.COM
Fri Nov 24 09:44:28 AEST 1989


C code to force DTR (data transmit ready) HIGH on a
UN*X (AT&T sysV.2) dial-out line?

Any ideas, anyone?

"cu -l tty18 -n"   does this, so if anyone has the source to "cu"
                   that would do just as well.

Please e-mail to myself, or  "Colin.Webster at Toronto.NCR.COM"

        thanx & later,

tim nelson       | uucp        ...!uunet!attcan!ncrcan!tim
ncr canada       | internet     Tim.Nelson at Toronto.NCR.COM
(416) 826-9000   | 6865 Century Ave, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 2E2
* Have a good day, and a great forever!                    * What?

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