Day of week algorithm wanted for "C"
Bob Stout
Bob.Stout at
Wed Nov 22 17:44:21 AEST 1989
In an article of <20 Nov 89 02:02:37 GMT>, (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
>I need a function that accepts a month, a day, and a year ... and returns
>the day-of-the-week (ie. Sunday, Monday, etc..)
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** scalar date routines -- public domain by Ray Gardner
** These will work over the range 1/01/01 thru 14699/12/31
int isleap (yr)
unsigned yr;
return yr % 400 == 0 || (yr % 4 == 0 && yr % 100 != 0);
static unsigned months_to_days (month)
unsigned month;
return (month * 3057 - 3007) / 100;
static long years_to_days (yr)
unsigned yr;
return yr * 365L + yr / 4 - yr / 100 + yr / 400;
long ymd_to_scalar (yr, mo, day)
unsigned yr, mo, day;
long scalar;
scalar = day + months_to_days(mo);
if ( mo > 2 ) /* adjust if past February */
scalar -= isleap(yr) ? 1 : 2;
scalar += years_to_days(yr);
return scalar;
void scalar_to_ymd (scalar, pyr, pmo, pday)
long scalar;
unsigned *pyr, *pmo, *pday;
unsigned n; /* compute inverse of years_to_days() */
for ( n = (scalar * 400L) / 146097; years_to_days(n) < scalar; )
n++; /* 146097 == years_to_days(400) */
*pyr = n;
n = scalar - years_to_days(n-1);
if ( n > 59 ) { /* adjust if past February */
n += 2;
if ( isleap(*pyr) )
n -= n > 62 ? 1 : 2;
*pmo = (n * 100 + 3007) / 3057; /* inverse of months_to_days() */
*pday = n - months_to_days(*pmo);
int scalar_to_day(scalar)
long scalar;
return (int)(scalar % 7L); /* 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc. */
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