Help w/ Graphics

Dean Cookson dean at cwunxa.INS.CWRU.Edu
Wed Nov 29 15:18:54 AEST 1989

	I have two questions about Borland Turbo C Graphics.  First of all, I
need to know how to save the graphics screen so that I can go to text mode and
then back to graphics mode and recall the same images as before.
	Also, is there any way to make hardcopies of graphic images using
a simple epson printer.
	As I am borrowing a friend's account, please post replies.  Do not

					- Greg Glosser

| Dean Cookson				        dean at	       |
| Information Network Services		     "If you can count your money,     |
| Case Western Reserve University             you don't have a billion dollars"|
| Cleveland, Oh 44106				-J. Paul Getty                 |

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