A C program for a Calendar in LaTeX.

Mike Whitbeck mikew at wheeler.wrcr.unr.edu
Wed Nov 29 20:50:17 AEST 1989

In article <12898 at polya.Stanford.EDU> ertem at polya.Stanford.EDU (Tuna Ertemalp) writes:
|The output of lxcal contains the following lines:
|\newfont{\hb}{h-bol at 12pt}
|\newfont{\hbbig}{h-bol at 24pt}
|\newfont{\tbeight}{t-bol at 8pt}
|\newfont{\treight}{t-rom at 8pt}
|\newfont{\tbieight}{t-bolita at 8pt}
|\newfont{\tb}{t-bol at 12pt}
|\newfont{\trsix}{t-rom at 6pt}
|I don't think these font names are standard; they are not available at
|polya.stanford.edu. Does someone (author?) know what these fonts are
|called normally?
|Have fun
|| Mr. Tuna Ertemalp        | Manzanita Park 26X      | Small things together |
|| Stanford University      | Stanford University     |   form the quality,   |
|| Computer Science MS      | Stanford, CA 94305, USA | But quality is not a  |
|| Ertem at Cs.Stanford.Edu    | (415) 328-8515          |     small thing!      |

I just changed these lines in the SOURCE code to  fonts I had:


You could probably also write an editor (sed) script to manipulate the latex
file produced by the original code. This is a great little program -- I
just cranked out my appointments for December with it on an Imagen
8/300. BTW the 
is a little large, is there such a thing as a 4.5 pt cm roman? Can I
scale DOWN a 8 or 9 pt roman font?

|Mike Whitbeck             |                              |
|Desert Research Inst.     | mikew at wheeler.wrc.unr.edu    |

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