Was Einstein wrong after all? (was: Re: ambiguous ?)

Robert Osborne robert at isgtec.UUCP
Fri Oct 27 12:37:08 AEST 1989

In article <14116 at lanl.gov> jlg at lanl.gov (Jim Giles) writes:
>The truth is, all computing professionals should be concerned with
>the subject of language design - the language is the _only_ tool
>of our trade.
As a computing professional C is one of the tools I use.
I am always looking for better tools,  however this group is not where
I look for a better language tool,  this is where I look for the best
way to use C.  Why don't you try an appropriate group.

>Is it really desireable that genuinely bright people spend considerable
>time discussing "the sizeof(struct)" or "(0) vs. NIL" (issues which
>wouldn't exist in a well designed language to begin with)?  Or is it
>better to dissuade as many as possible from pusuing this 18 year old
>dead-end of a programming language?

    Hold it! Stop all programming, stop all software development!
    YOU, yes you, get away from that keyboard.  There will be no
	more work done until WE create the "wave of the future" language.
	All you people who are trying to get by with C until this language
	comes along, STOP IT.  All you people trying to standardize C so that
	we can all use it the best way possible,  STOP WASTING YOUR TIME!
	^^^^^^^ NB: Sarcasm,  SAR-cassssssmmmmmm.^^^^^^^^^

Mr. Giles:  What is this wonderful language we should be using?

Until you can answer, or until there IS an answer, to this question
would you please stop net.proselytizing.

To net.world:   Sorry, I get a little miffed when idiots start
				defending their obnoxiousness.

Robert A. Osborne                  ...uunet!mnetor!lsuc!isgtec!robert
(Nice sig Bruce mind if I steal it :-)    ...utzoo!lsuc!isgtec!robert
ISG Technologies Inc. 3030 Orlando Dr. Mississauga. Ont. Can. L4V 1S8

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