This one bit me today

RAMontante bobmon at
Sun Oct 22 05:05:42 AEST 1989

cpcahil at virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) <1297 at virtech.UUCP> :
-I agree 100% with this, but it sure would be nice to have a 
-compile time flag that would turn on warnings about nested/unmatched
-comment areas.  This would make it easier to find the old problem
-	[ ... ]
-I am not asking for nested comments, but for a warning if they do
-occur (and the appropriate flag has been passed to the compiler).

Heyyyy!  You want...

Turbo C ! ! ! ! 

All the world is *not* a VAX --- all the world is a PC/XT

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