Anyone using Microsoft Quick C?

Troy Holly at
Sun Oct 22 18:58:22 AEST 1989

I need some help deciding if I can used Microsoft Quick C to do my 
program development.  

Now I know that all of the questions I am about to ask can be looked up
in the Microsoft Quick C manual, but before I spend time going through
it I want to know if it is feasable for developing my program; thus
my questions should pretty much have yes/no answers.

The application I am developing/maintaning currently has
a size of 160K, and will probably get as large as 250K.  The 
entire application has been written and developed on a PC using 
Microsoft C.  I took the program over a few months ago and the 
programmer before me worked from the command line and thus had
all make files oriented around that, so I just assumed that was
the way to do it.  Well, just the other day I found the Quick C
manual tucked away in a corner, and after trying it out I know that
I can speed up development using it.  But is it useful for developing
large programs using several libraries and mixed language calls?
Specifically, can I

-Call/link to Fortran libraries?
-Compile, link, and a run a 200K application while in QC?
-Link with a list of 25 object files from within QC?
-Easily add-to/update .QLC libraries?
-Debug .QLC libraries while in QC?

What are you folks out there using QC doing with it?

Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

-u-tholly%ug at
-ma.holly at

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