Elevators (was: Einstein (was: ambiguous))

Norman Diamond diamond at csl.sony.co.jp
Mon Oct 30 20:23:36 AEST 1989

In article <1159.25475CBB at urchin.fidonet.org> Bob.Stout at p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) writes:

>For example, an elevator controller (a typical  
>job for me) may be an exercise in AI programming, but if you try to tell a  
>controller manufacturer what sort of hardware you'll require to write it in  
>LISP or Smalltalk, you'll find out in a hurry what competitive pricing means  
>as they show you the door! 

But it also can't be programmed in C!!!!  ANSI says that the execution
character set must include a carriage return, audible alarm (well --
I guess an elevator has that), vertical tab (does an elevator have
that?), horizontal tab, and a bunch of ASCII-like characters.  And
you gotta have fseek().  Anyone want to design a C standard for a
stand-alone environment, which ANSI forgot to do?

Norman Diamond, Sony Corp. (diamond%ws.sony.junet at uunet.uu.net seems to work)
  Should the preceding opinions be caught or     |  James Bond asked his
  killed, the sender will disavow all knowledge  |  ATT rep for a source
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