Ok, ok, you can stop now...

Dave 'Yes, I'm weird' Newton dnewton at carroll1.UUCP
Wed Oct 11 04:27:07 AEST 1989

  Thank you.  Stop now.

  I got confused, I forgot that it will only allocate space if you actually
set it equal to some string.  Oh well, nothing like proving your stupidity
all across the world.  But thanx to all those who replied.

David L. Newton       |      dnewton at carroll1.UUCP     | Quote courtesy of
(414) 524-7343 (work) |     dnewton at carroll1.cc.edu    | Marie Niechwiadowicz,
(414) 524-6809 (home) | 100 NE Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 | Boston College.
[Q]: How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb? [A]: The fish. 

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