findfirst/findnext in Turbo C

Bob Stout Bob.Stout at
Wed Oct 25 14:24:57 AEST 1989

In an article of <23 Oct 89 13:12:05 GMT>, (Doug Krause) writes:

 >I'm using Turbo C 2.0 on a PC clone.  My question:  I'm using findfirst
 >and findnext to read the disk directory.  In the structure returned are
 >two integers that tell the file date and file time.  Is there a function
 >to convert these numbers into something more useful like hh:mm?

------------------------------- Cut here ------------------------------------
/*  Sample file date and time display.*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
struct DOS_TIME
        unsigned int ss : 5;
        unsigned int mm : 6;
        unsigned int hh : 5;
} ;
#define dos_time(t) (*(struct DOS_TIME *)(&(t)))
struct DOS_DATE
        unsigned int da : 5;
        unsigned int mo : 4;
        unsigned int yr : 7;
} ;
#define dos_date(t) (*(struct DOS_DATE *)(&(t)))
main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef __ZTC__                                  /* Zortech C/C++        */
        struct FIND *ffblk;
#else                                           /* TC/MSC               */
        struct find_t *ffblk =
                (struct find_t)malloc(sizeof(struct find_t));
        if (2 > argc)
                puts("\aUsage: SHOWDATE filename[.ext]");
#ifdef __ZTC__
        if (!(ffblk = findfirst(argv[1], 0xff)))
#elif defined(__TURBOC__)
        if (findfirst(argv[1], ffblk, 0xff)
#else                                           /* MSC/QC               */
        if (_dos_findfirst(argv[1], 0xff, ffblk)
                printf("\aCant find %s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("File date is %d-%d-%d\n",
                (dos_date(ffblk->date).yr + 80) % 100);
        printf("File time is %d:%d:%d\n",
Please note that I don't have TC up on this machine, so the findfirst syntax  
is from memory. Finally, you can also use TC's getftime() function and/or its  
ftime structure, e.g.
------------------------------- Cut here ------------------------------------
        union {
                struct ftime ftp;
                struct {
                        unsigned time,
                } detail;
        } stamp;

        stamp.detail.time = time_from_findfirst; = date_from_findfirst;

        printf("%d-%d-%d %2d:%02d:%02d\n", stamp.ftp.ft_month,                   
stamp.ftp.ft_day, stamp.ftp.ft_year + 80, stamp.ftp.ft_hour,                   
stamp.ftp.ft_min, stamp.ftp.ft_tsec * 2);
Of course all this is highly non-portable, but then it *is* OS-specific... 

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