C style peeve and knowing the rules
Lucio de Re
lucio at proxima.UUCP
Sat Apr 7 22:13:08 AEST 1990
In article <1990Mar26.023758.21002 at athena.mit.edu> scs at athena.mit.edu (Steve Summit) writes:
>I stopped using parentheses after "return" because I happen to
>mistype that particular keyword a lot, and
> retunr x;
>is a compile-time error, while
> retunr(x);
>doesn't complain until link time. Admittedly a minuscule point.
Not at all, I think it's a very good point; in fact the best to date.
Unfortunately, I like to think of return (); as equivalent to exit ();
(how eccentric (a euphemism for perverse) can one get?) so _I_ will
stick to return(x); (or retrun(x), my personal misspelling).
I used to design nuclear reactors and you should see the code that
engineers and scientists come up with. Yuuuck! Spaghetti everywhere.
-------------------------------------------------- (Kenneth L Moore) -
Lucio de Re ...uunet!ddsw1!olsa99!proxima!lucio
-------------------------------------------------------- lucio at proxima
Disclaimer: He must have been joking!
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