August 1990 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Aug 1 01:29:32 AEST 1990
Ending: Fri Aug 31 23:24:37 AEST 1990
Messages: 833
- Turbo C large character array
Evan Marshall Manning
- ANSI C lint type tool wanted
Arnold Robbins
- Turbo C large character array
Chris Schoeneman
- C documentation
Reinhard Weiss
- external declarations of ptrs and arrays
Stephen Clamage
- _why_ does the UNIX linker not distinguish text and data addresses???
Stephen Clamage
- This can't be a TurboC bug can it?
- external declarations of ptrs and arrays
Bryan Cardoza
- Turbo C large character array
John Gordon
- Info request for Power C compiler
Marc D. Perry
- _setenv function???
Pat Broderick
- Where can I FTP the ANSI C standard?
Michael Johnston
- FTP Dev. KIT ???
petsvc at
- IsUnsigned() function?
Henry Spencer
- Floating point non-exactness
Rob Carriere
- Turbo C large character array
don provan
- A study in code optimization in C
Steve Yelvington
- Request for Technology from the OSF
Dave Henry
- question about free()
John Vanderpool
- Jan 1st.
Nicholas Dimas
- stack quirk?
Tom Rombouts
- initialization
rpjday at
- question about free()
Karl Heuer
- A study in code optimization in C
Boyd Roberts
- Changes to Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
Brian Mak
- <None>
kjm100 at csc.anu.oz
- Help! Reading SUN keyboard chars in SUN FORTRAN
kjm100 at csc.anu.oz
- Turbo C large character array
Gary Duzan
- _why_ does the UNIX linker not distinguish text and data addresses???
Edward Wang
- Floating point non-exactness
Andrew Koenig
- Truncate a File?
Joubert John V.
- Pascal -> C Translation Program
Mark Stockley
- What's Wrong with this C Excert
Albert Wu
- IsUnsigned() function?
carroll at
- _why_ does the UNIX linker not distinguish text and data addresses???
Doug Gwyn
- Determining C Complexity
Peter M. Jansson
- CPP bug in sun OS cc?? (or ANSI standard interpretation??)
Robert Lupton the Good
- initialization
Stephen Clamage
- strstr()
Yonson Serrano
- Help! Reading SUN keyboard chars in SUN FORTRAN
Kurt Krueger
- elseif with #ifdef ?
Tim Tautges
- Where can I FTP the ANSI C standard?
Henry Spencer
- initialization
Henry Spencer
- initialization
Chris Schoeneman
- Turbo C large character array
Walter Bright
- ANSI C lint type tool wanted
George Wu
- _why_ does the UNIX linker not distinguish text and data addresses???
Aryeh M. Weiss
- initialization
Roberto Shironoshita
- Where can I FTP the ANSI C standard?
Tom Rombouts
- Doctor C's Pointers
- Floating point non-exactness
John Baldwin
- Determining C Complexity
John Baldwin
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
Kevin D. Quitt
- Date functionality
Richard Stead
- Curses responses summary...
- Determining C Complexity
Walter Bright
- Determining C Complexity
Don Miller
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Kazuya Kumai
- CPP bug in sun OS cc?? (or ANSI standard interpretation??)
Colin Plumb
- stack quirk?
Steve Summit
- IsUnsigned() function (retiring injured)
Chris Torek
- memcpy, memmove, etc (was A study in code optimization in C)
Chris Torek
- Memory copy timings
Richard Harter
- external declarations of ptrs and arrays
Chris Torek
- initialization
Chris Torek
- pclose hangs
Olav Eide
- Signal handling on sockets
Steve Perryman
- VMS and div
Martin v.d. Boogaard
- Doctor C's Pointers
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Marcus Leech
- external declarations of ptrs and arrays
Howard Melman
- CPP bug in sun OS cc?? (or ANSI standard interpretation??)
Vick Khera
- Microsoft C V5.1 halloc() problem.
H Bruce
- Turbo C large character array
Stephen Clamage
- CPP bug in sun OS cc?? (or ANSI standard interpretation??)
Stephen Clamage
- initialization
Stephen Clamage
- Doctor C's Pointers
Stephen Clamage
- print format
Roger G Desroches II
- Info request for Power C compiler
Mark W. Schumann
- signed characters
Henry Spencer
- Stupid users
Maarten Litmaath
- Info request for Power C compiler
William Bill Mayne
- Determining C Complexity
Henry Spencer
- Turbo C large character array
Ingo Feulner
- Is jumping inside loops legal?
A.R. Pruss
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- external declarations of ptrs and arrays
George Turczynski
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
Steve Summit
- I/O of complex data structures in C
Jason Freund
- Breadking 4 billion n
John Zielke
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
Stephen J. Friedl
- Floating-point non-exactness
Paul Hilfinger
- Determining C Complexity
Dave Straker
- print format
Stan Brown 216371-0043
- Determining C Complexity
Peter M. Jansson
- print format
Andrew Koenig
- How do I convert from real (ANSI) C to Sun C?
A.R. Pruss
- Floating-point non-exactness
Andrew Koenig
- What's Wrong with this C Excert
John Campbell
- Can va_arg() be used as an lvalue?
Sandra Loosemore
- Signal handling on sockets
Richard Tobin
- %p and MSC
Kevin D. Quitt
- initialization
Bruce Worden
- Programmer's Tech Industries BBS (714) 638-1455
James D. Murray
- Doctor C's Pointers
Dan Kozak
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
Karl Heuer
- Is jumping inside loops legal?
Stephen Clamage
- Determining C Complexity
Walter Bright
- Determining C Complexity
Don Miller
- Pop-down window useage question
Mark Dawson
- program to translate fortran to c
Burt Feuerstein
- Floating point exceptions
Kevin D. Quitt
- CPP bug in sun OS cc?? (or ANSI standard interpretation??)
Colin Plumb
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Doug Gwyn
- Determining C Complexity
John Baldwin
- Microsoft C V5.1 halloc() problem.
Cliff Lum
- Signal handling on sockets
Mike Lippert
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
jsalter at
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
George V. Reilly
- Memory copy timings
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Turbo C
Dennett Jaques
- Floating point exceptions
Andrew Koenig
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Andrew Koenig
- I/O of complex data structures in C
Chris Torek
- Converts Fortran code to C code
William Rosencranz
- Can va_arg() be used as an lvalue?
Stephen Clamage
- initialization
Stephen Clamage
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
Henry Spencer
- Determining C Complexity
Henry Spencer
- How do you tell if stdin/stdout is a terminal?
- Can va_arg() be used as an lvalue?
Colin Plumb
- %p and MSC
Colin Plumb
- %p and MSC
Steve Summit
- Wierd Turbo C++ Phenomenon
russel senior
- Memory copy timings
Richard Harter
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Henry Spencer
- Determining C Complexity
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Converts Fortran code to C code
John W. Eaton
- Converts Fortran code to C code
William Rosencranz
- Wanted: Bezier curve software
tp at
- How do you tell if stdin/stdout is a terminal?
Yuval Kfir
- Help with C between 68000 & 80286
Dean Lodzinski
- Floating point non-exactness
Michael C. Grant
- Determining C Complexity
Dave Straker
- IsUnsigned() function?
carroll at
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Henry Spencer
- Floating point non-exactness
Andrew Koenig
- Floating point non-exactness
Gary Duzan
- Help with C between 68000 & 80286
Lehtinen Pertti
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
diamond at tkovoa
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
Rick Jones
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Christopher R Volpe
- Turbo C large character array
Bernard Farrell
- lex & yacc - cupla questions
Martin Weitzel
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
Larry Jones
- How do you tell if stdin/stdout is a terminal?
Amos Shapira
- How do you tell if stdin/stdout is a terminal?
Brad Appleton
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
Stephen Clamage
- print format
- Turbo C large character array
Evan Marshall Manning
- Stupid users
- Determining C Complexity
Rhodri James
- Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler
Karl Heuer
- Please Help
John Robert Gray
- lex & yacc - cupla questions
Scott Amspoker
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Andrew Koenig
- Determining C Complexity
Peter da Silva
- %p and MSC
Karl Heuer
- IsUnsigned() function (retiring injured)
Peter da Silva
- How do you tell if stdin/stdout is a terminal?
Peter da Silva
- Reading data
J. F. Blake
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Walter Bright
- print format
Shiping Zhang
- qualifications in prototypes (was Re: Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler)
diamond at tkovoa
- C declaration grammar
Cedric Ramsey
- IsUnsigned() function?
Cedric Ramsey
- Turbo C large character array
Larry Hastings
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
James Darrell McCauley
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
James Darrell McCauley
- A "How to typedef..." Question
Rick Farnbach
- Turbo C large character array
diamond at tkovoa
- Determining C Complexity
Steve Summit
- Help with C between 68000 & 80286
Steve Summit
- print format
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Help with C between 68000 & 80286
Don Libes
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
James C Burley
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
diamond at tkovoa
- C declaration grammar
diamond at tkovoa
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
Kjartan Pierre Emilsson
- qualifications in prototypes
Doug Gwyn
- lex and yacc grammers
Mark Pledger
- qualifications in prototypes (was Re: Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler)
Karl Heuer
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
Richard Tobin
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
Shiping Zhang
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
Tim McDaniel
- Turbo C large character array
will summers
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
Tim McDaniel
- How to augment C with new datatypes painlessly?
Lewis Stiller
- Using Macros
Michael Yoke
- C declaration grammar
Stephen Clamage
- Using Macros
Bernard Farrell
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
Henry Spencer
- C declaration grammar
Henry Spencer
- Using Macros
Christopher R Volpe
- Semantic defintions in standards
- Using Macros
Evan Marshall Manning
- Help. End of diskette VS EOF
- Comma operator: lvalue????
Christopher R Volpe
- cast (char *) to (int *) ?
- Using Macros
Bernard Farrell
- Using Macros
Matthew Landau
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
John Baldwin
- Determining C Complexity
John Baldwin
- Using Macros
Jeff G. Micono
- What's Wrong with this C Excert
Ray Wallace
- NULL as a string terminator
Wade Guthrie
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
James Davies
- Floating point non-exactness
Andrew Koenig
- Comma operator: lvalue????
Andrew Koenig
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Engbert Gerrit IJff
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Andrew Koenig
- Using Macros
Tim McDaniel
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
George Turczynski
- Using Macros
James C Burley
- Breadking 4 billion n
Dave Decot
- qualifications in prototypes (was Re: Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler)
diamond at tkovoa
- C portability
Dennis Reso
- Using Macros
Richard Harter
- Using Macros
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Stupid users
Jon Brawn
- Is this bad programming?
Leif Andrew Rump
- Using Macros
- Stupid users
Peter Holzer
- qualifications in prototypes (was Re: Problems with IBM RS6000 C compiler)
Richard Tobin
- Using Macros
Ken Lerman
- Using Macros
Martin Weitzel
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
Pat Broderick
- Using Macros
Stephen Clamage
- Using Macros
Checkpoint Technologies
- Semantic defintions in standards
Henry Spencer
- ANSI Standard
ojpotter at
- limits of malloc (wasRe: Turbo C large character array)
Martin Weitzel
- ASN.1
Douglas C. Schmidt
- Determining C Complexity
Mike McNelly
- Benchmarks
John Bradley
- Mircosoft C V5.1 floating point problem.
H Bruce
- Stupid users
AKA Solitair
- Thanks for your comments about macros.
Michael Yoke
- Date functionality
Engbert Gerrit IJff
- Date functionality
Engbert Gerrit IJff
- Zortech mailing list.
Joe Huffman
- A "How to typedef..." Question
Jochen M. Fritz
- Benchmarks
guineau at
- Correction: Re: A "How to typedef..." Question
Jochen M. Fritz
- Using Macros
Brad Appleton
- Unsigned long question
Peter J Diaz de Leon
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Stefan Hauser
- Semantic defintions in standards
Jim Giles
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
Karl Heuer
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
John Baldwin
- Unsigned long question
Karl Heuer
- Using Macros
Karl Heuer
- Using Macros
Karl Heuer
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Homayoon Akhiani
- Is this bad programming?
Karl Heuer
- Using Macros
George V. Reilly
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Karl Heuer
- SIMPLE malloc & pointer question
diamond at tkovoa
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
diamond at tkovoa
- Comma operator: lvalue????
diamond at tkovoa
- Using Macros
diamond at tkovoa
- FAQ list (was: Re: Using Macros)
Steve Summit
- Is this bad programming?
Steve Summit
- Turbo C large character array
Colin Plumb
- A "How to typedef..." Question
diamond at tkovoa
- Is this bad programming?
diamond at tkovoa
- Wanted -- ambiguous lookup routine.
Gisle Hannemyr
- Using Macros
Maarten Litmaath
- Comma operator
Christopher R Volpe
- Using Macros
Christopher R Volpe
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
John Baldwin
- Mircosoft C V5.1 floating point problem.
John Baldwin
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Peter da Silva
- Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question
Colin Plumb
- Using Macros
Stephen Clamage
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
William Bill Mayne
- PL1 to C Converter?
Steve Bratt
- Using Macros
Stephen Clamage
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
Henry Spencer
- Mircosoft C V5.1 floating point problem.
Stephen Clamage
- Using Macros
Peter Holzer
- Using Macros
Stephen Clamage
- Mircosoft C V5.1 floating point problem.
Kevin D. Quitt
- Using Macros
Brad Appleton
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Doug McDonald
- Breadking 4 billion n
Tom Culliton x2278
- data space address too high?
James Darrell McCauley
- Wanted -- ambiguous lookup routine.
Ken Nelson
- File manipulation and arrays
Joe Duval - Entomology
- Using Macros
Tim McDaniel
- Implementation of pow(3m) function
Allan Duncan
- Using Macros
Karl Heuer
- Operations on pointers to void.
John Lacey
- Book on .h files
Albert Chin
- Using Lex (and Yacc) on a string.
John Lacey
- sockets and signals (in C)
diamond at tkovoa
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Paul Graham
- Is this bad programming?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Dominic Dunlop
- printf vs. vprintf
Michael Illgner
- C portability
Norman Joseph
- Breadking 4 billion n
Al Wilkins
- Testing-software for C-Compilers
Siegfried Schroeder
- NULL as a string terminator
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Help needed multitasking DOS (a little bit) using TurboC
Alex Pruss
- Using Lex (and Yacc) on a string.
Pat Broderick
- NULL as a string terminator
Michael Meissner
- Operations on pointers to void.
Stephen Clamage
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
cys at
- Help needed multitasking DOS (a little bit) using TurboC
wolfe glen
- undefining a typedef
Jose Gomez-Rubio SEED Student
- Using Lex (and Yacc) on a string.
George Bogatko
- Operations on pointers to void.
Henry Spencer
- Date functionality
Moshe Raab
- FORTRIX-C comments and experience needed
Mitch Pockrandt
- calling yyparse() multiple times
Ken Nelson
- Wanted -- ambiguous lookup routine.
krill are yummy and krunchy
- Is this bad programming?
Ronald S H Khoo
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
Shiping Zhang
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Merlinus Ambrosius
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
Dave Ciemiewicz
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
Vernon Schryver
- const declarator in C
Clayton Cramer
- Using Macros
Stephen Carlson
- Operations on pointers to void.
Colin Plumb
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Richard Stead
- NULL as a string terminator
Robert J. Drabek
- Thank you
Stacy L Ramirez
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
merriman at
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
Andrew P. Mullhaupt
- Compile-time initialization (was Re: Is this bad programming?)
Bruce Evans
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
James C Burley
- undefining a typedef
James C Burley
- Curses for terminals w/space-taking attributes
David T. Sandberg
- data space address too high?
James Darrell McCauley
- MSC 6.0
- NULL as a string terminator
Rich Skrenta
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Bj|rn Munch
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
- Operations on pointers to void.
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- printf vs. vprintf
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- undefining a typedef
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- SunOS malloc (was Re: data space address too high?)
Niels J|rgen Kruse
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Kevin D. Quitt
- undefining a typedef
Kevin D. Quitt
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
Richard Harter
- the f2c program
Doug McDonald
- lex & yacc - cupla questions
Alex Martelli
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Henry Spencer
- undefining a typedef
Henry Spencer
- How to force cpp to abort?
Michael P. Gerlek
- the f2c program
Henry Spencer
- Using Lex (and Yacc) on a string.
Joseph A. Leggio
- Reading escape sequences (arrow keys and escape alone)
David Wright
- core dump & large models
- Compile-time initialization (was Re: Is this bad programming?)
Henry Spencer
- more than you wanted hear about pow(3M)
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
- Obfuscated code
Shaul Peleg
- undefining a typedef
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- more than you wanted hear about pow(3M)
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Ingo Feulner
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Ingo Feulner
- Date functionality
Stephen Clamage
- selectively enabling prototypes
Steve Friedl
- Obfuscated code
Andrew David Biewer
- Recovery from signal trap
Andy Biewer
- undefining a typedef
Andrew P. Mullhaupt
- the f2c program
Doug Gwyn
- `value-preserving' promotions (was IsUnsigned() function)
Chris Torek
- portably printing pointers (was Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question)
Chris Torek
- Using Macros
Alex Martelli
- Using Lex (and Yacc) on a string.
Chris Torek
- List a directory in a C program on Unix machines
Chris Torek
- Operations on pointers to void.
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Help with structure tree
Sameer Parekh
- C as a first language
Doug Grant
- Using Macros
Karl Heuer
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Karl Heuer
- How to force cpp to abort?
Karl Heuer
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Bruce Worden
- Request for C - beautifier source
Mohd Hanafiah b. Abdullah
- Request for C - beautifier source
Mohd Hanafiah b. Abdullah
- Floating point exactness, another alternative.
Steven Pemberton
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code
trawick at
- Crash a RISC machine...
Alessandro.Forin at CS.CMU.EDU
- more than you wanted hear about pow(3M)
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Anton Rang
- How to force cpp to abort?
Michael P. Gerlek
- the f2c program
Flint Pellett
- `value-preserving' promotions (was IsUnsigned() function)
Stephen Clamage
- Floating point non-exactness
Doug Matlock
- polynomial curvefit routine
Greg Montgomery
- Operations on pointers to void.
Henry Spencer
- How to force cpp to abort?
Michael Meissner
- undefining a typedef
Henry Spencer
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Kevin D. Quitt
- selectively enabling prototypes
here kitty, kitty...
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code
Bruce Worden
- Pointer Problems
Gaurang Hirpara
- How to force cpp to abort?
Glenn R. Stone
- How to reverse bits...
Timo Lehtinen
- undefining a typedefread/previous
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- System-dependent manifest constants (i.e., 'i386', 'mips', 'vax')
Warren Tucker
- How to reverse bits...
Peter Klausler
- How to reverse bits...
Kevin D. Quitt
- How to reverse bits...
Chris Hind Genly
- How to reverse bits...
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Using Lex (and Yacc) on a string.
Chris Torek
- How to reverse bits...
E.W.D, ,0,0
- LD error. What does this mean?
Bo Slaughter
- LD error. What does this mean?
Chet Murthy
- PACKED fields to unpacked
Ed Ackerman Programmer
- How to reverse bits...
dhoyt at
- How to reverse bits...
Steven R. Jacobs
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Jeff G. Micono
- How to reverse bits...
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- This can't be a TurboC bug can it?
Brian Rodriguez
- Fun With Floats in Quintus
R. Kym Horsell
- How to reverse bits...
Kevin D. Quitt
- How to force cpp to abort?
Henry Spencer
- How to reverse bits...
News system
- the f2c program
Henry Spencer
- How to reverse bits...
Henry Spencer
- Book on .h files
Henry Spencer
- How to reverse bits...
J.T. Conklin
- How to reverse bits...
Kevin D. Quitt
- Operations on pointers to void.
John Baldwin
- How to reverse bits...
Joakim Sernbrant
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Stephen Vinoski
- portably printing pointers (was Novice MicroSoft C5.1 question)
Colin Plumb
- LD error. What does this mean?
Jef Poskanzer
- How to reverse bits...
Bob Goudreau
- How to reverse bits...
John Lauro
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c (Abridged)
Steve Summit
- How to reverse bits...
Glenn L. Austin
- How do you tell if stdin/stdout is a terminal?
Andrew Hume
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Bruce Worden
- How to reverse bits...
George V. Reilly
- How to reverse bits...
Roy M. Silvernail
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Jan Christiaan van Winkel
- flipping bits (was: Re: How to reverse bits...)
Jan Christiaan van Winkel
- How to reverse bits...
Tim Snider
- How to reverse bits...
Christopher R Volpe
- C cross development tools for MC68HC11
Mark Bartelt
- Multiprecision Library?
J.J. Lehett
- Turbo C variable changing?
Pete Halverson
- Pointer Problems
Ray Spalding
- Pointer Problems
Henry Spencer
- How to reverse bits...
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- Do as I say, not as I do.
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- How to reverse bits...
William Bill Mayne
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Paul Gootherts
- printf vs. vprintf
mercer at npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COMDanMercer
- How to reverse bits...
Steve Resnick
- How to reverse bits...
Walter Bright
- Floating point non-exactness
Walter Bright
- How to reverse bits...
Walter Bright
- Multiprecision Library?
Patrick J Draper
- Pointer Problems
Michael Griffith
- Reading and writing long longs
- LD error. What does this mean?
Guy Harris
- How to force cpp to abort?
Karl Heuer
- Operations on pointers to void.
Karl Heuer
- Operations on pointers to void.
Karl Heuer
- selectively enabling prototypes
Karl Heuer
- What is _doprnt(fmt,args,&fil)?
Stacy L Ramirez
- Data compression algorithms...
Kevin Spier
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Karl Heuer
- How to reverse bits...
Frank P. Bresz
- What is _doprnt(fmt,args,&fil)?
Chris Torek
- Operations on pointers to void.
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Pointer Problems
Gary Beckmann
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Zev Sero
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
Julian Cowley
- Pretty C
Arvind Sabharwal
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Bruce Worden
- CVP 3.0: internal debugger error: 0
Jen Che Huang
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Roger B.A. Klorese
- the f2c program
rick at tmiuv0.uucp
- How to reverse bits...
R. Turner
- Pointer Problems
Gaurang Hirpara
- Need Advice!
Jay Patel
- Multiprecision Library?
Edward Vielmetti
- Keys
Allen Holtz
- How to reverse bits...
Martin Weitzel
- Looking for a BCD library for Unix / C
Stig Jacobsen
- do{..}while 0 (using MACRO)
Sea Way Jan
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
Julian Cowley
- Does times() work on SUN's properly ?
Bruce Worden
- Porting to a 3b2
Brendan Kehoe
- Does times() work on SUN's properly ?
sbs at
- How to force cpp to abort?
Tony Olekshy
- do{..}while 0 (using MACRO)
Sea Way Jan
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
michael k finegan
- Keys
Mark W. Schumann
- C Coding Standards, is there software out there...
Mark Henderson
- Sorting Algorithm
Wayne Diener
- How to reverse bits...
Karl Heuer
- selectively enabling prototypes
Richard Minner
- Porting to a 3b2
Karl Heuer
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Karl Heuer
- Operations on pointers to void.
Karl Heuer
George Turczynski
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Andrew Taylor
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Andy Biewer
- Keys
Shiping Zhang
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
George V. Reilly
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
Julian Cowley
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Karl Heuer
- Integration of Turbo Pascal and Turbo C.
Blue Elbow
- selectively enabling prototypes
When a problem comes along . . . you must whip it
- How to force cpp to abort?
Nathan Sidwell
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
Richard Hancock
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
James C Burley
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Mostly Harmless
- Floating point non-exactness
Andrew Koenig
- CVP 3.0: internal debugger error: 0
The Karate Kid
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Rhodri James, the beardless wonder
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Gary Jackoway
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Richard C. Dempsey
- Whitesmiths IDRIS
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
James K. Huggins
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Vladan Djakovic
- TRANSPARENTLY adding arguments to a functions arg list
John Simmons
- enum, no trailing comma?
Richard Minner
- Whitesmiths Answer
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Gary Jackoway
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
David Steffens
- MSC 6.0 linker 5.1 can have problems with segments in overlays
Syd Weinstein
- alloca() for TurboC
Roger Neil Hook
- Beta sites wanted
landis at ade5.uucp
- short-circuiting (was if ( x && y ) or ... )
Andy Biewer
- Where is strftime(.....)?
Arthur David Olson
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Mark A Terribile
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Adrian McCarthy
- How to force cpp to abort?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
R. Kym Horsell
- alloca() for TurboC
R. Kym Horsell
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
michael k finegan
- Floating point exactness & alternatives (summary)
news at
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Frank P. Bresz
- polynomial curvefit routine
Malcolm Reeves
- selectively enabling prototypes
Andrew Hume
- Keeping tables in step (Was: Re: How to force cpp to abort?)
Dean Inada
- Is this bad programming?
Steve Friedl
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Adrian McCarthy
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Anthony Lapadula
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Peter da Silva
- NULL as a string terminator
Chris Preston
- enum, no trailing comma?
Doug Gwyn
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Henry Spencer
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
rankin at
- NULL as a string terminator
Henry Spencer
- NULL as a string terminator
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
R. Kym Horsell
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
R. Kym Horsell
- Reading and writing long longs
Chris Ridd <RiddCJ>
- Whitesmiths Answer
rick at tmiuv0.uucp
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Andy Sherman
- enum, no trailing comma?
Michael Meissner
- A readdir() implementation for VMS
Rich Salz
- Is this bad programming?
Cedric Ramsey
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Barton E. Schaefer
- Microsoft C far pointer dereferencing
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Jim Dunn
- NULL as a string terminator
Isaac Rabinovitch
- lex & yacc questions
Mark Pledger
- NULL as a string terminator
Chip Salzenberg
- lex & yacc questions
Ken Nelson
- Pointer Problems
Rhodri James
- lex & yacc questions
R. Kym Horsell
- ** help...
Jim Dunn
- Pointer Problems
Colin Plumb
- TRUE and FALSE (was: NULL as a string terminator)
Andrew Koenig
- QuickC Fatal Error, Automatic Allocation Exceeds 32k
Donald Doherty
- pointer to sources for a distributable strstr?
Manoj Srivastava
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
Andrew David Biewer
- C compiler critiques
Andrew David Biewer
- ** help...
R. Kym Horsell
- SUMMARY: C Compiler Predefined Manifest Definitions
Warren Tucker
- NULL as a string terminator
Chris Preston
- ** help...
Richard A. O'Keefe
- short-circuit flaming
Andy Biewer
- RS/6000 Optimizer breaks code -- suggestions?
Jim Roskind x5570
- NULL as a string terminator
Rhodri James
- ** help...
Rhodri James
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Stephen Clamage
- Typecasting NULL to far FULL.
D Venkatrangan
- lex & yacc questions
Lapus Lazuli
- lex & yacc questions
Lapus Lazuli
- lex & yacc questions
Peter da Silva
- if ( x && y ) or if ( x ) then if ( y ) ...
David W. Glessner
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Henry Spencer
- Again Multiprecision Library
J.J. Lehett
- Incorrect loop coding?
J.J. Lehett
- CTask21 ... where?
Rafael Cruz
- i/o of floats
Len Charest
- i/o of floats
Richard A. O'Keefe
- alloca() for TurboC
Stephen C. Trier
- Reading and writing long longs
Roland McGrath
- SUMMARY: C Compiler Predefined Manifest Definitions
David Brooks
- SUMMARY: C Compiler Predefined Manifest Definitions
David Brooks
- Internationalisation (was: NULL as a string terminator)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- printf/scanf trouble on SPARCstation
A Lingnau
- c+parallel
Akiyoshi Wakatani
- i/o of floats
Tom Christiansen
- NULL as a string terminator
Chris Torek
- ** help...
Christopher R Volpe
- ** help...
Jim Dunn
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
demon at
Kevin D. Quitt
- SUMMARY: C Compiler Predefined Manifest Definitions
Michael Meissner
- What should "*nft = *(struct need_to_free *) ntf->addr;" do?
Pete Delany
- Turbo C program inconsistent runtime problems
Joe Duval - Entomology
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Peter van der Linden
- signal SIGIO
Ray Ward
- Converts Fortran code to C code
Pat Martin
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Edward Wang
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Doug Gwyn
- yyparse function
Ben Crane
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
R. Kym Horsell
- alloca() for TurboC
Sidney Markowitz
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Karl Heuer
- alloca() for TurboC
Dale Smith
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Magazines being given away
Tom Limoncelli
- SUMMARY: C Compiler Predefined Manifest Definitions
Steve Watt
- short-circuit flaming
chip at tct.UUCP
- short-circuit flaming
Chip Salzenberg
- did anyone post the "magic" offset into the RMS structures for VAXC I/O
John Vanderpool
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Geoff Clare
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Richard Tobin
- Sorting Algorithm
Wayne Diener
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Henry Spencer
- Whitesmiths Answer
porges at
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Richard Tobin
- 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
Cedric Ramsey
- SUMMARY: C Compiler Predefined Manifest Definitions
Peter da Silva
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Stephen Clamage
- What should "*nft = *(struct need_to_free *) ntf->addr;" do?
Ray Spalding
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Ray Spalding
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Doug Gwyn
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Doug Gwyn
- 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
Scott Amspoker
- 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
Christopher R Volpe
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Dave Gillett
- Prototypes (was Re: OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?)
Peter Blemel
- Probable [obscure] bug in THINK C 4.0 quicksort
Ari Halberstadt
- Sorting Algorithm
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Fast Fourier Transforms sources in C.
feng at
- 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
Henry Spencer
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Internationalisation (was: NULL as a string terminator)
Chris Preston
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Jens Tingleff
- Microsoft C / Turbo C compatibility ?
Thorsten Staby
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Peter da Silva
- ridiculous words (was NULL as a string terminator)
Chris Torek
- Help --- Starting to learn Think C
Daniel Rubin
- NULL as a string terminator
Sean Legassick
- Fast Fourier Transforms sources in C.
Richard Krukar [CHTM]
- returning a char string form a function in c
Ronald W Edmunds
- Portable C compiler (32 bit ints) for PCs.
Ajit Sarnaik
- structure assignment, why you would want to do it
demon at
- Question about malloc() and free()
Randy Tidd
- ANSI -> K&R translator
Don Rober
- How to reverse bits...
Charles Tryon
- Sorting Algorithm
Colin Plumb
- Turbo C program inconsistent runtime problems
Chad Price
- VAX-C question on passwords
Stacy L Ramirez
- Sorting Algorithm
R. Kym Horsell
- How to reverse bits...
Jon Brinkmann
- enum, no trailing comma?
Joe Wells
- Nesting of a preprocessor directive within a macro defn
- LISP-to-C translation programs--opinions sought
Carol T Tumey
- VAX-C - noecho w/o curses (for getpass())
Stacy L Ramirez
- Array bounds checking with C????
Frank [Who me?] Kuan
- VAX-C question on passwords
Rick Murphy
- IsUnsigned() function?
Richard Caley
- Array bounds checking with C????
Chris Torek
- Sorting Algorithm
Chris Torek
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Checkpoint Technologies
- Array bounds checking with C????
R. Kym Horsell
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
R. Kym Horsell
- strstr sources: a summary of responses
Manoj Srivastava
- Array bounds checking with C????
Henry Spencer
- ridiculous words
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- Array bounds checking with C????
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Henry Spencer
- Array bounds checking with C????
Henry Spencer
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
Peter da Silva
- <None>
rankin at
- Internationalisation (was: NULL as a string terminator)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Sorting Algorithm
Richard A. O'Keefe
- ANSI -> K&R translator
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Two variables for the price of one
Craig M. Chase
- Preprocessor macro to quote its argument
R. Kym Horsell
- structure assignment, why you would want to do it
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- structure assignment, why you would want to do it
Jens Tingleff
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Wayne Throop
- Wanted: code to access DBase files
Peter Hendricks
- Curses question
Glenn Pitcher
- Array bounds checking with C????
Don Libes
- OK, so why _does_ ld resolve text against data?
Edward Wang
- Array bounds checking with C????
- structure assignment, why you would want to do it
- 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
ramsey at ncoast.UUCP
- C optimizer problem -- does DEC have a response?
Michel Fingerhut
- C code for a wrap around file
Philip Eckert
- strstr sources: a summary of responses
Chris Torek
- Array bounds checking with C????
Chris Torek
- strstr sources: a summary of responses
Brad Appleton
- p[1] vs. *(p+1)
Chip Salzenberg
- Array bounds checking with C????
Henry Spencer
- alloca() for TurboC
Alex Pruss
- Question about malloc() and free()
Roger House
- Wanted: public domain C interpreter
Kevin Nazareth
david nugent
- C interfacing with Fortran
glenn at
- Curses question
Mike Jetzer
- strstr sources: a summary of responses
Karl Heuer
Rahul Dhesi
- strstr sources: a summary of responses
Andrew Hume
- Assinging values to type float
Douglas M. MacFarlane
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Dave Gillett
- structure assignment, why you would want to do it
Dave Gillett
Christopher R Volpe
- Two variables for the price of one
Dave Astels
- Assinging values to type float
Steve Resnick
- 'C', is it's grammar context sensit
kenny at
- book "Mastering C Pointers"-Traister
Ray Liere
- Assinging values to type float
Peter Holzer
- Crash a RISC machine from user-mode code:
Brad Sherman
- Assinging values to type float
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- ANSI -> K&R translator
Peter da Silva
- legal ANSI prototype?
- Assinging values to type float
Christopher R Volpe
- pointers is pointers (a cautionary tale)
Wayne Throop
- Curses question
smith at groucho
- pointers is pointers (a cautionary tale)
R. Kym Horsell
- legal ANSI prototype?
Michael J. Eager
- Internationalisation (was: NULL as a string terminator)
Chris Preston
- In search of a program!
- ANSI -> K&R translator
Thomas Tornblom
- Turbo C printf problem
Wilf Rosen
- Assinging values to type float
Peter Knight
- ANSI C questions (parameters, structure assignment)
Richard A. O'Keefe
- ANSI -> K&R translator
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Assinging values to type float
Peter Holzer
Flint Pellett
- Internationalisation (was: NULL as a string terminator)
Chris Preston
- pointers is pointers (a cautionary tale)
Michael Meissner
- Array bounds checking with C????
Stephen Clamage
- Assinging values to type float
Sean Legassick
- strstr sources: a summary of responses
John Baldwin
- cpp __FILE__ with uppercase file names
Charles Noren
- p[1] vs. *(p+1)
Paul Schmidt
- Curses question
Dave Hammond
- Internationalisation
Rhodri James
- ** help...
Rhodri James
- Assembly language to C translation ?
John Anderson
Jay A. Konigsberg
- Two for one...
Daniel_Roedding at
- Array bounds checking with C????
George Turczynski
Chip Salzenberg
- Nasty bug
e89hse at
- Internationalisation
Richard A. O'Keefe
- structure assignment, why you would want to do it
Mark A Terribile
- Nasty bug
Kjartan Pierre Emilsson
- Array bounds checking with C????
Chris Ridd <RiddCJ>
- Internationalisation
Dominic Dunlop
- System V-compatible ctime(3)???
wolf paul
Chris Torek
- SVR4 Languages SIG
Dan Oldman
- Array bounds checking with C????
Niels J|rgen Kruse
Peter da Silva
- Modula-2 for Sun4
Brendan Kehoe
- Implementing Interrupt Generation Using C
Craig A. Foster
- random() error in Turbo C++
- Nasty bug
Ray Wallace
- legal ANSI prototype?
- Nasty bug
Walter Murray
- ** help...
Christopher R Volpe
- Nasty bug
Christopher R Volpe
- Assinging values to type float
Roger House
Christopher R Volpe
Tim Bomgardner
Craig A. Foster
- Nasty bug
Christopher R Volpe
- Nasty bug
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- TRUE and FALSE (or true and false)
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- Nasty bug
Christopher R Volpe
- ** help...
Bruce Worden
- Question about malloc() and free()
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems
- Free C Compilers
George Thiruvathukal
- Internationalisation
Doug Gwyn
- Summary: 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
Cedric Ramsey
- Question about malloc() and free()
Robert S. Sutor
- Array bounds checking with C????
Karl Heuer
- referance book for Ver 7 C
James A. Hinds
- TRUE and FALSE (or true and false)
Karl Heuer
- Question about malloc() and free()
Don Lewis
Rahul Dhesi
Rahul Dhesi
- Internationalisation
Al Dunbar
- Nasty bug
Paul Nulsen
- Array bounds checking with C????
Gary Duzan
- Is this a bug?
Rob Carriere
- stupid compilers
Martin Wendel
- stupid compilers
Martin Wendel
- C interfacing with Fortran
Wen-Nung Tsai
- solution Yogo/Solitaire wanted.
Andre v.d. Vlies
- ANSI -> K&R translator
Eamonn McManus
- Nasty bug
Sean Legassick
- Summary: 'C', is it's grammar context sensitive ?
Christopher R Volpe
- Array bounds checking with C????
Richard Tobin
Sean Legassick
- Nasty bug
Larry Jones
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 23:24:37 AEST 1990
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:33:32 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).