Do BASIC --> C converters exist??
Steve Resnick
stever at Octopus.COM
Sat Dec 8 05:06:42 AEST 1990
In article <852 at nanometrics.UUCP> stealth at nanometrics.portal.UUCP (Steve Sabram) writes:
>We just inherited a project here that's several thousand
>lines of Microsoft QuickBASIC code. We want it all
>converted into C; specifically Microsoft. I know
>there are a few houses out there that make
>automatic converters for this.
>Can anyone recommend a few vendors?? Has anyone used
>these products??
I have a product here called Btran from Software Translations. It translates
QB code to QuickC code. The code is quite unreadable, and this is stated
clearly in the docs. I think it's primary purpose it to provide QuickBASIC users
with a development path to various platforms (they support UNIX, VMS & a few
Hope this helps ...
steve.resnick at f105.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG - or - apple!camphq!105!steve.resnick
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