video mode question

Sat Dec 1 16:58:31 AEST 1990

>From article <66205 at>, by brs at (Brian Stupar):
> does anyone know how to set the video mode to 80 x 43?  i have
> tried using int 10 func 00, but any values over 11 result in
> no change in the screen mode.  the interrupt list documents
> mode values up to around 70, but any over 11 have no effect.
> is there something i'm missing, something i've done wrong, or
> is this mode not available for use?  the machine is 386 based
> with VGA graphics.

Well, I did a little bit of DEBUGing on programs that detect the existance
of VGA and goes into 80x50 mode, and found the following code:

          mov  ax,1112h       ; go into 80x50 mode
          sub  bl,bl
          int  10h

This will switch the VGA card into 80x50 mode.  I suggest you play around
with the content of AX to get 80x43 mode.

E. Teng Ong (ong at
Computer Science Dept.
Oklahoma State University
(Opinions are mine and mine alone)

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