SMG$ Documentation

gaertner at gaertner at
Thu Dec 13 03:54:07 AEST 1990

The VAX/VMS documentation is devided into 3 parts:
  1) General User ,
  2) Programming ,
  3) System Mangement .

Part 2 contains the description of the system routines/services. One should
first read Programming Vol. 5A (Introduction to Run-Time-Library), which
describes the VAX/VMS data types, procedure calling standard and the 
correspondence between the VAX data types and the various language data types
(i.e. Pascal/Fortran/C data types).
Programming Vol. 5C describes the Screen Management Routines (SMG$); it starts
with an overview, followed by a reference section for all routines.


   Ralf Gaertner                   e-mail:   gaertner at
   Fritz-Haber-Institute (FRG)

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