Curses and portability question.

Dave Rackley drack at
Tue Dec 11 06:28:00 AEST 1990

In article <1990Dec10.110403.139 at> accwork at writes:

>I am writing a program, which i hope to maintain a high level of portability. 
>But i also want to some screen management.  I was planning on using curses.  Is
>this a "good" choice ?  Is their something that is more standard ?  I hope to
>keep the portability accross a vax, and a pc.  So is their any chance of this >?

>   thanks for your time.
>      brian.
>   --
>   Brian D. Goecke
>   Mankato State University
>   Accademic Computer Center Programmer.
>   accwork at

When faced with this situation I chose to use ANSI escape sequences
instead of curses.  VAXen with VMS and DOS machines have very similar
escape codes.  Of course when you do this, screen management is up to you.

Just my two cents worth :-)


  DISCLAIMER?  I don't know anything 'bout any ol' disclaimer!         

| David Rackley		        |                                             |
| Applied Research Laboratories |      It's OK to be a martyr, as long as     |
| The University of Texas       |      you don't bring your own firewood.     |
| Austin, TX.  78758            |                          -- Dr. James Rigby |

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